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Through our teaching of Geography at St Michaels, it is our aim to inspire in our pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Our curriculum and teaching is well planned to equip children with knowledge of their local environment as well as places throughout the world. We use a thoroughly designed skills progression in order to ensure that children learn crucial Geography skills such as reading and drawing different styles of maps, direction and locational knowledge, representation and the use of different scales. We use a range of approaches such as place studies, map work, fieldwork and the use of ICT. As well as developing these skills, we aim to develop our pupils’ ability to ask insightful questions about the world around them both through our curriculum and teachers having the freedom to integrate current events and issues into their teaching when relevant to the needs and development of their pupils.

The adults in EYFS will provide opportunities for children to describe their immediate environment using knowledge from observation, stories, non-fiction texts and maps. The children will also be supported in explaining some of the similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries, drawing on a range of different sources. 

Geography Overview

Geography Skills Progression